Class Crests

Looking for a gift or something to remember your graduating class? The TCA AOG is selling class crests. You can get a single, or even 2 or 3 if you have multiple generations of grads. All profits go to your TCA AOG fundraising.

Heritage Dinner 2024 Pictures

USAFA AOG Announces Membership for All

All In!   Membership in AOG expands to all graduates.

Effective Jan. 3, 2022, any graduate who is not currently a member can opt in to AOG membership. Be on the lookout for a special email invite to opt in or visit and provide the information requested. Opting in should take just a minute. 

For more information, click the following:

Content of this web site is not an official publication of the United States Air Force Academy or the Association of Graduates. Information presented here does not represent policies of the United States Air Force or its associated organizations.

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